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How to restart GitLab

  • Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate
  • Offering: GitLab Self-Managed

Depending on how you installed GitLab, there are different methods to restart its services.

A short downtime is expected for all methods.

Linux package installations

If you have used the Linux package to install GitLab, you should already have gitlab-ctl in your PATH.

gitlab-ctl interacts with the Linux package installation and can be used to restart the GitLab Rails application (Puma) as well as the other components, like:

  • GitLab Workhorse
  • Sidekiq
  • PostgreSQL (if you are using the bundled one)
  • NGINX (if you are using the bundled one)
  • Redis (if you are using the bundled one)
  • Mailroom
  • Logrotate

Restart a Linux package installation

There may be times in the documentation where you are asked to restart GitLab. To restart a Linux package installation, run:

sudo gitlab-ctl restart

The output should be similar to this:

ok: run: gitlab-workhorse: (pid 11291) 1s
ok: run: logrotate: (pid 11299) 0s
ok: run: mailroom: (pid 11306) 0s
ok: run: nginx: (pid 11309) 0s
ok: run: postgresql: (pid 11316) 1s
ok: run: redis: (pid 11325) 0s
ok: run: sidekiq: (pid 11331) 1s
ok: run: puma: (pid 11338) 0s

To restart a component separately, you can append its service name to the restart command. For example, to restart only NGINX you would run:

sudo gitlab-ctl restart nginx

To check the status of GitLab services, run:

sudo gitlab-ctl status

Notice that all services say ok: run.

Sometimes, components time out (look for timeout in the logs) during the restart and sometimes they get stuck. In that case, you can use gitlab-ctl kill <service> to send the SIGKILL signal to the service, for example sidekiq. After that, a restart should perform fine.

As a last resort, you can try to reconfigure GitLab instead.

Reconfigure a Linux package installation

There may be times in the documentation where you are asked to reconfigure GitLab. Remember that this method applies only for Linux package installations.

To reconfigure a Linux package installation, run:

sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure

Reconfiguring GitLab should occur in the event that something in its configuration (/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb) has changed.

When you run gitlab-ctl reconfigure, Chef, the underlying configuration management application that powers Linux package installations, runs some checks. Chef ensures directories, permissions, and services are in place and working.

Chef also restarts GitLab components if any of their configuration files have changed.

If you manually edit any files in /var/opt/gitlab that are managed by Chef, running reconfigure reverts the changes and restarts the services that depend on those files.

Self-compiled installations

If you have followed the official installation guide to self-compile your installation, run the following command to restart GitLab:

# For systems running systemd
sudo systemctl restart

# For systems running SysV init
sudo service gitlab restart

This should restart Puma, Sidekiq, GitLab Workhorse, and Mailroom (if enabled).

Helm chart installations

There is no single command to restart the entire GitLab application installed through the cloud-native Helm chart. Usually, it should be enough to restart a specific component separately (for example, gitaly, puma, workhorse, or gitlab-shell) by deleting all the pods related to it:

kubectl delete pods -l release=<helm release name>,app=<component name>

The release name can be obtained from the output of the helm list command.

Docker installation

If you change the configuration on your Docker installation, for that change to take effect you must restart:

  • The main gitlab container.
  • Any separate component containers.

For example, if you deployed Sidekiq on a separate container, to restart the containers, run:

sudo docker restart gitlab
sudo docker restart sidekiq