OpenID Connect (OIDC) Authentication Using ID Tokens
- Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate
- Offering:, GitLab Self-Managed, GitLab Dedicated
Version history
- Introduced in GitLab 15.7.
You can authenticate with third party services using GitLab CI/CD's ID tokens.
ID Tokens
ID tokens are JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) that can be added to a GitLab CI/CD job. They can be used for OIDC
authentication with third-party services, and are used by the secrets
keyword to authenticate with HashiCorp Vault.
ID tokens are configured in the .gitlab-ci.yml
. For example:
In this example, the two tokens have different aud
claims. Third party services can be configured to reject tokens
that do not have an aud
claim matching their bound audience. Use this functionality to reduce the number of
services with which a token can authenticate. This reduces the severity of having a token compromised.
Token payload
The following standard claims are included in each ID token:
Field | Description |
iss |
Issuer of the token, which is the domain of the GitLab instance ("issuer" claim). |
sub |
project_path:{group}/{project}:ref_type:{type}:ref:{branch_name} ("subject" claim). |
aud |
Intended audience for the token ("audience" claim). Specified in the ID tokens configuration. The domain of the GitLab instance by default. |
exp |
The expiration time ("expiration time" claim). |
nbf |
The time after which the token becomes valid ("not before" claim). |
iat |
The time the JWT was issued ("issued at" claim). |
jti |
Unique identifier for the token ("JWT ID" claim). |
The token also includes custom claims provided by GitLab:
Field | When | Description |
namespace_id |
Always | Use this to scope to group or user level namespace by ID. |
namespace_path |
Always | Use this to scope to group or user level namespace by path. |
project_id |
Always | Use this to scope to project by ID. |
project_path |
Always | Use this to scope to project by path. |
user_id |
Always | ID of the user executing the job. |
user_login |
Always | Username of the user executing the job. |
user_email |
Always | Email of the user executing the job. |
user_access_level |
Always | Access level of the user executing the job. Introduced in GitLab 16.9. |
user_identities |
User Preference setting | List of the user's external identities (introduced in GitLab 16.0). |
pipeline_id |
Always | ID of the pipeline. |
pipeline_source |
Always | Pipeline source. |
job_id |
Always | ID of the job. |
ref |
Always | Git ref for the job. |
ref_type |
Always | Git ref type, either branch or tag . |
ref_path |
Always | Fully qualified ref for the job. For example, refs/heads/main . Introduced in GitLab 16.0. |
ref_protected |
Always |
true if the Git ref is protected, false otherwise. |
groups_direct |
User is a direct member of 0 to 200 groups | The paths of the user's direct membership groups. Omitted if the user is a direct member of more than 200 groups. (Introduced in GitLab 16.11 and put behind the ci_jwt_groups_direct feature flag in GitLab 17.3. |
environment |
Job specifies an environment | Environment this job deploys to. |
environment_protected |
Job specifies an environment |
true if deployed environment is protected, false otherwise. |
deployment_tier |
Job specifies an environment | Deployment tier of the environment the job specifies. Introduced in GitLab 15.2. |
environment_action |
Job specifies an environment |
Environment action (environment:action ) specified in the job. (Introduced in GitLab 16.5) |
runner_id |
Always | ID of the runner executing the job. Introduced in GitLab 16.0. |
runner_environment |
Always | The type of runner used by the job. Can be either gitlab-hosted or self-hosted . Introduced in GitLab 16.0. |
sha |
Always | The commit SHA for the job. Introduced in GitLab 16.0. |
ci_config_ref_uri |
Always | The ref path to the top-level pipeline definition, for example, . Introduced in GitLab 16.2. This claim is null unless the pipeline definition is located in the same project. |
ci_config_sha |
Always | Git commit SHA for the ci_config_ref_uri . Introduced in GitLab 16.2. This claim is null unless the pipeline definition is located in the same project. |
project_visibility |
Always | The visibility of the project where the pipeline is running. Can be internal , private , or public . Introduced in GitLab 16.3. |
"namespace_id": "72",
"namespace_path": "my-group",
"project_id": "20",
"project_path": "my-group/my-project",
"user_id": "1",
"user_login": "sample-user",
"user_email": "",
"user_identities": [
{"provider": "github", "extern_uid": "2435223452345"},
{"provider": "bitbucket", "extern_uid": "john.smith"}
"pipeline_id": "574",
"pipeline_source": "push",
"job_id": "302",
"ref": "feature-branch-1",
"ref_type": "branch",
"ref_path": "refs/heads/feature-branch-1",
"ref_protected": "false",
"groups_direct": ["mygroup/mysubgroup", "myothergroup/myothersubgroup"],
"environment": "test-environment2",
"environment_protected": "false",
"deployment_tier": "testing",
"environment_action": "start",
"runner_id": 1,
"runner_environment": "self-hosted",
"sha": "714a629c0b401fdce83e847fc9589983fc6f46bc",
"project_visibility": "public",
"ci_config_ref_uri": "",
"ci_config_sha": "714a629c0b401fdce83e847fc9589983fc6f46bc",
"jti": "235b3a54-b797-45c7-ae9a-f72d7bc6ef5b",
"iss": "",
"iat": 1681395193,
"nbf": 1681395188,
"exp": 1681398793,
"sub": "project_path:my-group/my-project:ref_type:branch:ref:feature-branch-1",
"aud": ""
The ID token is encoded by using RS256 and signed with a dedicated private key. The expiry time for the token is set to the job's timeout if specified, or 5 minutes if no timeout is specified.
ID Token authentication with third party services
You can use ID tokens for OIDC authentication with a third party service. For example:
400: missing token
status code
This error indicates that one or more basic components necessary for ID tokens are either missing or not configured as expected.
To find the problem, an administrator can look for more details in the instance's
for the specific method that failed.
This error in the exceptions_json.log
file is likely because the signing key is
missing from the database and the token could not be generated. To verify this is the issue,
run the following query on the instance's PostgreSQL terminal:
SELECT encrypted_ci_jwt_signing_key FROM application_settings;
If the returned value is empty, use the Rails snippet below to generate a new key and replace it internally:
key =
ApplicationSetting.find_each do |application_setting|
application_setting.update(ci_jwt_signing_key: key)