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Code Quality

  • Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate
  • Offering:, GitLab Self-Managed, GitLab Dedicated

Code Quality helps code authors find and fix problems faster, and frees up time for code reviewers to focus their attention on more nuanced suggestions or comments.

When you use Code Quality in your CI/CD pipelines, you can avoid merging changes that would degrade your code's quality or deviate from your organization's standards.

Features per tier

Different features are available in different GitLab tiers, as shown in the following table:

Feature In Free In Premium In Ultimate
Import Code Quality results from CI/CD jobs {check-circle} Yes {check-circle} Yes {check-circle} Yes
Use CodeClimate-based scanning {check-circle} Yes {check-circle} Yes {check-circle} Yes
See findings in a merge request widget {check-circle} Yes {check-circle} Yes {check-circle} Yes
See findings in a pipeline report {dotted-circle} No {check-circle} Yes {check-circle} Yes
See findings in the merge request changes view {dotted-circle} No {dotted-circle} No {check-circle} Yes
Analyze overall health in a project quality summary view {dotted-circle} No {dotted-circle} No {check-circle} Yes

Scan code for quality violations

Code Quality is an open system that supports importing results from many scanning tools. To find violations and surface them, you can:

You can capture results from multiple tools in a single pipeline. For example, you can run a code linter to scan your code along with a language linter to scan your documentation, or you can use a standalone tool along with CodeClimate-based scanning. Code Quality combines all of the reports so you see all of them when you view results.

Import Code Quality results from a CI/CD job

Many development teams already use linters, style checkers, or other tools in their CI/CD pipelines to automatically detect violations of coding standards. You can make the findings from these tools easier to see and fix by integrating them with Code Quality.

To see if your tool already has a documented integration, see Integrate common tools with Code Quality.

To integrate a different tool with Code Quality:

  1. Add the tool to your CI/CD pipeline.
  2. Configure the tool to output a report as a file.
    • This file must use a specific JSON format.
    • Many tools support this output format natively. They may call it a "CodeClimate report", "GitLab Code Quality report", or another similar name.
    • Other tools can sometimes create JSON output using a custom JSON format or template. Because the report format has only a few required fields, you may be able to use this output type to create a report for Code Quality.
  3. Declare a codequality report artifact that matches this file.

Now, after the pipeline runs, the quality tool's results are processed and displayed.

Use the built-in Code Quality CI/CD template (deprecated)

This feature was deprecated in GitLab 17.3 and is planned for removal in 18.0. Integrate the results from a supported tool directly instead.

Code Quality also includes a built-in CI/CD template, Code-Quality.gitlab-ci.yaml. This template runs a scan based on the open source CodeClimate scanning engine.

The CodeClimate engine runs:

For more details, see Configure CodeClimate-based Code Quality scanning.

Migrate from CodeClimate-based scanning

The CodeClimate engine uses a customizable set of analysis plugins. Some are on by default; others must be explicitly enabled. The following integrations are available to replace the built-in plugins:

Plugin On by default Replacement
Duplication {check-circle} Yes Integrate PMD Copy/Paste Detector.
ESLint {check-circle} Yes Integrate ESLint.
gofmt {dotted-circle} No Integrate golangci-lint and enable the gofmt linter.
golint {dotted-circle} No Integrate golangci-lint and enable one of the included linters that replaces golint. golint is deprecated and frozen.
govet {dotted-circle} No Integrate golangci-lint. golangci-lint includes govet by default.
markdownlint {dotted-circle} No (community-supported) Integrate markdownlint-cli2.
pep8 {dotted-circle} No Integrate an alternative Python linter like Flake8, Pylint, or Ruff.
RuboCop {dotted-circle} Yes Integrate RuboCop.
SonarPython {dotted-circle} No Integrate an alternative Python linter like Flake8, Pylint, or Ruff.
Stylelint {dotted-circle} No (community-supported) Integrate Stylelint.
SwiftLint {dotted-circle} No Integrate SwiftLint.

View Code Quality results

Code Quality results are shown in the:

Merge request widget

Code Quality analysis results display in the merge request widget area if a report from the target branch is available for comparison. The merge request widget displays Code Quality findings and resolutions that were introduced by the changes made in the merge request. Multiple Code Quality findings with identical fingerprints display as a single entry in the merge request widget. Each individual finding is available in the full report available in the Pipeline details view.

Code Quality Widget

Merge request changes view

  • Tier: Ultimate
  • Offering:, GitLab Self-Managed, GitLab Dedicated

Code Quality results display in the merge request Changes view. Lines containing Code Quality issues are marked by a symbol beside the gutter. Select the symbol to see the list of issues, then select an issue to see its details.

Code Quality Inline Indicator

Pipeline details view

  • Tier: Premium, Ultimate
  • Offering:, GitLab Self-Managed, GitLab Dedicated

The full list of Code Quality violations generated by a pipeline is shown in the Code Quality tab of the pipeline's details page. The pipeline details view displays all Code Quality findings that were found on the branch it was run on.

Code Quality Report

Project quality view

  • Tier: Ultimate
  • Offering:, GitLab Self-Managed
  • Status: Beta

Version history

The project quality view displays an overview of the code quality findings. The view can be found under Analyze > CI/CD analytics, and requires project_quality_summary_page feature flag to be enabled for this particular project.

Code Quality Summary

Code Quality report format

You can import Code Quality results from any tool that can output a report in the following format. This format is a version of the CodeClimate report format that includes a smaller number of fields.

The file you provide as Code Quality report artifact must contain a single JSON array. Each object in that array must have at least the following properties:

Name Description Type
description A human-readable description of the code quality violation. String
check_name A unique name representing the check, or rule, associated with this violation. String
fingerprint A unique fingerprint to identify this specific code quality violation, such as a hash of its contents. String
severity The severity of the violation. String. Valid values are info, minor, major, critical, or blocker.
location.path The file containing the code quality violation, expressed as a relative path in the repository. String
location.lines.begin or location.positions.begin.line The line on which the code quality violation occurred. Integer

The format is different from the CodeClimate report format in the following ways:

  • Although the CodeClimate report format supports more properties, Code Quality only processes the fields listed above.
  • The GitLab parser does not allow a byte order mark at the beginning of the file.

For example, this is a compliant report:

    "description": "'unused' is assigned a value but never used.",
    "check_name": "no-unused-vars",
    "fingerprint": "7815696ecbf1c96e6894b779456d330e",
    "severity": "minor",
    "location": {
      "path": "lib/index.js",
      "lines": {
        "begin": 42

Integrate common tools with Code Quality

Many tools natively support the required report format to integrate their results with Code Quality. They may call it a "CodeClimate report", "GitLab Code Quality report", or another similar name.

Other tools can be configured to create JSON output by providing a custom template or format specification. Because the report format has only a few required fields, you may be able to use this output type to create a report for Code Quality.

If you already use a tool in your CI/CD pipeline, you should adapt the existing job to add a Code Quality report. Adapting the existing job prevents you from running a separate job that may confuse developers and make your pipelines take longer to run.

If you don't already use a tool, you can write a CI/CD job from scratch or adopt the tool by using a component from the CI/CD Catalog.

Code scanning tools


If you already have an ESLint job in your CI/CD pipelines, you should add a report to send its output to Code Quality. To integrate its output:

  1. Add eslint-formatter-gitlab as a development dependency in your project.
  2. Add the --format gitlab option to the command you use to run ESLint.
  3. Declare a codequality report artifact that points to the location of the report file.
    • By default, the formatter reads your CI/CD configuration and infers the filename where it should save the report. If the formatter can't infer the filename you used in your artifact declaration, set the CI/CD variable ESLINT_CODE_QUALITY_REPORT to the filename specified for your artifact, such as gl-code-quality-report.json.

You can also use or adapt the ESLint CI/CD component to run the scan and integrate its output with Code Quality.


If you already have a Stylelint job in your CI/CD pipelines, you should add a report to send its output to Code Quality. To integrate its output:

  1. Add @studiometa/stylelint-formatter-gitlab as a development dependency in your project.
  2. Add the --custom-formatter=@studiometa/stylelint-formatter-gitlab option to the command you use to run Stylelint.
  3. Declare a codequality report artifact that points to the location of the report file.
    • By default, the formatter reads your CI/CD configuration and infers the filename where it should save the report. If the formatter can't infer the filename you used in your artifact declaration, set the CI/CD variable STYLELINT_CODE_QUALITY_REPORT to the filename specified for your artifact, such as gl-code-quality-report.json.

For more details and an example CI/CD job definition, see the documentation for @studiometa/stylelint-formatter-gitlab.


If you already have a MyPy job in your CI/CD pipelines, you should add a report to send its output to Code Quality. To integrate its output:

  1. Install mypy-gitlab-code-quality as a dependency in your project.

  2. Change your mypy command to send its output to a file.

  3. Add a step to your job script to reprocess the file into the required format by using mypy-gitlab-code-quality. For example:

    - mypy $(find -type f -name "*.py" ! -path "**/.venv/**") --no-error-summary > mypy-out.txt || true  # "|| true" is used for preventing job failure when mypy find errors
    - mypy-gitlab-code-quality < mypy-out.txt > gl-code-quality-report.json
  4. Declare a codequality report artifact that points to the location of the report file.

You can also use or adapt the MyPy CI/CD component to run the scan and integrate its output with Code Quality.


If you already have a Flake8 job in your CI/CD pipelines, you should add a report to send its output to Code Quality. To integrate its output:

  1. Install flake8-gl-codeclimate as a dependency in your project.
  2. Add the arguments --format gl-codeclimate --output-file gl-code-quality-report.json to the command you use to run Flake8.
  3. Declare a codequality report artifact that points to the location of the report file.

You can also use or adapt the Flake8 CI/CD component to run the scan and integrate its output with Code Quality.


If you already have a Pylint job in your CI/CD pipelines, you should add a report to send its output to Code Quality. To integrate its output:

  1. Install pylint-gitlab as a dependency in your project.
  2. Add the argument --output-format=pylint_gitlab.GitlabCodeClimateReporter to the command you use to run Pylint.
  3. Change your pylint command to send its output to a file.
  4. Declare a codequality report artifact that points to the location of the report file.

You can also use or adapt the Pylint CI/CD component to run the scan and integrate its output with Code Quality.


If you already have a Ruff job in your CI/CD pipelines, you should add a report to send its output to Code Quality. To integrate its output:

  1. Add the argument --output-format=gitlab to the command you use to run Ruff.
  2. Change your ruff check command to send its output to a file.
  3. Declare a codequality report artifact that points to the location of the report file.

You can also use or adapt the documented Ruff GitLab CI/CD integration to run the scan and integrate its output with Code Quality.


If you already have a golangci-lint job in your CI/CD pipelines, you should add a report to send its output to Code Quality. To integrate its output:

  1. Add the arguments --out-format code-climate:gl-code-quality-report.json,line-number to the command you use to run golangci-lint.
  2. Declare a codequality report artifact that points to the location of the report file.

You can also use or adapt the golangci-lint CI/CD component to run the scan and integrate its output with Code Quality.

PMD Copy/Paste Detector

The PMD Copy/Paste Detector (CPD) requires additional configuration because its default output doesn't conform to the required format.

You can use or adapt the PMD CI/CD component to run the scan and integrate its output with Code Quality.


Using SwiftLint requires additional configuration because its default output doesn't conform to the required format.

You can use or adapt the Swiftlint CI/CD component to run the scan and integrate its output with Code Quality.


Using RuboCop requires additional configuration because its default output doesn't conform to the required format.

You can use or adapt the RuboCop CI/CD component to run the scan and integrate its output with Code Quality.


Using Roslynator requires additional configuration because its default output doesn't conform to the required format.

You can use or adapt the Roslynator CI/CD component to run the scan and integrate its output with Code Quality.

Documentation scanning tools

You can use Code Quality to scan any file stored in a repository, even if it isn't code.


If you already have a Vale job in your CI/CD pipelines, you should add a report to send its output to Code Quality. To integrate its output:

  1. Create a Vale template file in your repository that defines the required format.
  2. Add the arguments --output="$VALE_TEMPLATE_PATH" --no-exit to the command you use to run Vale.
  3. Change your vale command to send its output to a file.
  4. Declare a codequality report artifact that points to the location of the report file.

You can also use or adapt an open source job definition to run the scan and integrate its output with Code Quality, for example:


If you already have a markdownlint-cli2 job in your CI/CD pipelines, you should add a report to send its output to Code Quality. To integrate its output:

  1. Add markdownlint-cli2-formatter-codequality as a development dependency in your project.

  2. If you don't already have one, create a .markdownlint-cli2.jsonc file at the top level of your repository.

  3. Add an outputFormatters directive to .markdownlint-cli2.jsonc:

      "outputFormatters": [
        [ "markdownlint-cli2-formatter-codequality" ]
  4. Declare a codequality report artifact that points to the location of the report file. By default, the report file is named markdownlint-cli2-codequality.json.

    1. Recommended. Add the report's filename to the repository's .gitignore file.

For more details and an example CI/CD job definition, see the documentation for markdownlint-cli2-formatter-codequality.