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Authenticate with the container registry

  • Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate
  • Offering:, GitLab Self-Managed, GitLab Dedicated

To authenticate with the container registry, you can use a:

All of these authentication methods require the minimum scope:

  • For read (pull) access, to be read_registry.
  • For write (push) access, to be write_registry and read_registry.

Admin Mode does not apply during authentication with the container registry. If you are an administrator with Admin Mode enabled, and you create a personal access token without the admin_mode scope, that token works even though Admin Mode is enabled.

To authenticate, run the docker login command. For example:

echo "$TOKEN" | docker login -u <username> --password-stdin

After authentication, the client caches the credentials. Later operations make authorization requests that return JWT tokens, authorized to do only the specified operation. Tokens remain valid for 5 minutes by default, and 15 minutes on

Use GitLab CI/CD to authenticate

To use CI/CD to authenticate with the container registry, you can use:

  • The CI_REGISTRY_USER CI/CD variable.

    This variable holds a per-job user with read-write access to the container registry. Its password is also automatically created and available in CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD.

    echo "$CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD" | docker login $CI_REGISTRY -u $CI_REGISTRY_USER --password-stdin
  • A CI job token.

    echo "$CI_JOB_TOKEN" | docker login $CI_REGISTRY -u $CI_REGISTRY_USER --password-stdin
  • A deploy token with the minimum scope of:

    • For read (pull) access, read_registry.
    • For write (push) access, read_registry and write_registry.
    echo "$CI_DEPLOY_PASSWORD" | docker login $CI_REGISTRY -u $CI_DEPLOY_USER --password-stdin
  • A personal access token with the minimum scope of:

    • For read (pull) access, read_registry.
    • For write (push) access, read_registry and write_registry.
    echo "<access_token>" | docker login $CI_REGISTRY -u <username> --password-stdin


docker login command fails with access forbidden

The container registry returns the GitLab API URL to the Docker client to validate credentials. The Docker client uses basic auth, so the request contains the Authorization header. If the Authorization header is missing in the request to the /jwt/auth endpoint configured in the token_realm for the registry configuration, you receive an access forbidden error message.

For example:

> docker login

Username: user
Error response from daemon: Get "": denied: access forbidden

To avoid this error, ensure the Authorization header is not stripped from the request. For example, a proxy in front of GitLab might be redirecting to the /jwt/auth endpoint.

unauthorized: authentication required when pushing large images

When pushing large images, you may see an authentication error like the following:

docker push
The push refers to a repository []
630816f32edb: Preparing
530d5553aec8: Preparing
4b0bab9ff599: Waiting
d1c800db26c7: Waiting
42755cf4ee95: Waiting
unauthorized: authentication required

This error happens when your authentication token expires before the image push is complete. By default, tokens for the container registry on GitLab Self-Managed instances expire after five minutes. On, the token expiration time is 15 minutes.