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Import project from repository by URL

  • Tier: Free, Premium, Ultimate
  • Offering:, GitLab Self-Managed, GitLab Dedicated

You can import your existing repositories by providing the Git URL. You can't import GitLab issues and merge requests this way. Other methods provide more complete import methods.

If the repository is too large, the import can timeout.


Version history

  • Requirement for Maintainer role instead of Developer role introduced in GitLab 16.0 and backported to GitLab 15.11.1 and GitLab 15.10.5.

  • Repository by URL import source must be enabled. If not enabled, ask your GitLab administrator to enable it. The Repository by URL import source is enabled by default on

  • At least the Maintainer role on the destination group to import to.

  • If importing a private repository, an access token for authenticated access to the source repository might be required instead of a password.

Import project by URL

  1. On the left sidebar, at the top, select Create new ({plus}) and New project/repository.
  2. Select Import project.
  3. Select Repository by URL.
  4. Enter a Git repository URL.
  5. Complete the remaining fields. A username and password (or access token) is required for imports from private repositories.
  6. Select Create project.

Your newly created project is displayed.